Sunday, May 30, 2010

24 Hours of airports & airplanes

I'm in the home stretch now. I have three hours until my flight leaves (always a good idea to leave lots of time for Israeli security), then I have 12 hours between Tel Aviv and Philadelphia, a layover of 6 hours in Philadelphia then the almost 2 hour flight to Detroit. That's 23 hours, a long time to spend in airports or on planes. Being away for so long makes the time even harder. I'm ready to be home NOW, and I basically have another day to go.

I was going to spend the time here at Ben-Gurion to use the free internet to post an overall reflection post on the trip in general. The truth is, right now, I'm too tired and overwhelmed from the experience to put anything remotely readable together. Anything I put up now wouldn't be doing the journey justice, so I'll probably wait a few days (maybe weeks) to try and get my hands around what it is that I've done here.

I will say that it's been amazing. It's also been harder than I thought it would be. It would be premature to say I'm never going to do another adventure like this again, even though that's how I feel now. Most of you know me to well to be convinced that my traveling feet have stopped wandering for good. I'd be surprised if I chose such a long trip again, simply missing Janeen has been the single hardest part of the trip. I wish I could express how much I've missed her, but there are no words to do that longing justice.

Well, I'm off to go through security and check in for my flight. I'll talk to you all on the other side of the Atlantic. Shalom.

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