Thursday, May 27, 2010

Back in Jerusalem, Winding Down

As the title says, I'm back in Jerusalem, where the trip started. I've been real good about posting pictures on Facebook, haven't been real good on the blogging- the last full post was from day 7 (I'm on day 22 now). Anyway, I'm still going to post about each individual experience, meaning I have ten or so posts to get done. I should have one done by tomorrow evening on Nazareth, Mount Tabor and Tel Megiddo (Biblical city of Armageddon). I should have one more Sunday which will be a trip summary. The rest of the experiences will come over the course of this summer.
It's been an incredible adventure. Not to play spoiler on future posts, but Petra, Jordan was amazing, and hiking Mount Sinai in Egypt for sunrise is amongst the most incredible and spiritual things I have ever done. The Mount Sinai post may come in three parts- my notes on that day take four written pages (the usual is one).
As great a time as I've had, I'm ready to get home. I miss my wife with a ferocity that I have never felt before. I love traveling, but being away from her for this long is unbearable. This will be a consideration in planning future trips.
Here is a link to picture galleries on Facebook that I've taken since my last post that updated these. I'd really hoped Photobucket would have worked out- obviously it hasn't, and I'm sure I should have used Smugmug like many of the bloggers that I read with regularity do.

Day 15-

Day 16-

Day 17-

Day 18-

Day 19-

Day 20&21-

Same view May 7th

Jerusalem's in the middle of a sandstorm, which has reduced visibility to about 300 yards, so I only took three photos, mostly to show how bad the storm is, today. Hopefully it clears up by tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear husband,
I love you MORE......